Hello, I am Devaansh Bhandari

I am a Developer and this is my personal portfolio website

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Key Points About Me

1. I started as a web developer

2. Have worked in two startups as a freelancer

3. Currently holding the position of senior developer in Textr AI

4. Love doing open source projects

5. I practise several languages, libraries and frameworks which include HTML, CSS , Vanilla JS, C, C++, Solidity, React.js, Next.js, ether.js, meteor.js, Node.js, Express.js, Bootstrap, TailwindCSS, etc...

6. Along with these languages, I also work on databases like mongoDB, firebase, mysql, etc...

7. Along with web development, I am also learning testing in jest, DevOps which include creating and modifying containers in Docker and Kubernetes and making smart contracts in Solidity